Green Tea
  Through a careful and expert process of selection we present an exciting array of green teas from the best plantations in China and Ceylon.  

Perfectly rolled Gunpowder tea leaves are mixed with natural Spearmint in accordance with a traditional Moroccan recipe. The Spearmint leaves symbolize hospitality and a special guest is always greeted with a cup of Green Tea with Mint. Feel that warm welcome in every sip of this aromatic and refreshing blend.


Tea or Camellia Sinensis is packed full of flavonoids and polyphenols, antioxidants, which are thought to help keep the body healthy by preventing the debilitating effects of free radicals. Recent studies conclude that those who drink tea regularly tend to enjoy better heart health and lower cholesterol levels. Today's research only helps to confirm what was known since ancient times that tea revitalizes the mind and body.


Mint is an herb used since antiquity for its culinary, medicinal and aromatic properties. Spearmint has a soothing effect on the stomach and helps to relieve indigestion and colonic cramps. Due to the strong and cool flavour of Spearmint it acts as a mild decongestant for maladies such as the common cold.